The most spectacular moon since 1948 lighted up the sky

The event on Monday November 14 - described as "undeniably beautiful" by American space agency Nasa - is the result of the moon coming closer to Earth than it has done for 69 years.
Not only will it be the closest full moon of the year, NASA said, it will be the closest since 1948 —Just after the WWII. The full moon won't travel so near to Earth again until Nov. 25, 2034, NASA said.A supermoon occurs when the moon is slightly closer to the Earth  the distance between the centres of our two worlds will be 221,525 miles (356,510 kilometres).  , and the effect is most noticeable when it occurs around the same time as a full moon. A supermoon can appear 14% bigger and 30% brighter than when a full moon is at its farthest distance from Earth, according to NASA.

What if I missed it - are there other chances to view the supermoon?

There is hope for those who missed the moon on Monday the 14 of November, with  clearer skies forecast for areas north of the M4 on Tuesday, November 15.

See all about it in here  or in here or in here
And a brilliant video in here

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